Data-Driven Insights & Real-Time Testing of Cloud Availability & Performance

Cloud Looking Glass is a research project focused on empirically analyzing availability and performance of hyperscale cloud services. Using triple-redundant accounts per provider and with test agents deployed across regions and zones, we continuously measure key functional characteristics, including control plane response times for cloud service CRUD operations (e.g., provision compute, storage, serverless, databases), network and storage latency (data plane), and many others. Failures are recorded automatically and manually verified.

24-Hour Test Summary

Summary of testing completed and failures recorded in the past 24 hours.

Metric Control Plane Tests Data Plane Tests
Network Other
Tests Performed 117,939 1,155,444 86,949
Isolated Failures (Single-Account) 0 779 0
Widespread Failures (Triple-Account) 0 151 0

Last updated: (tests repeat every 5 minutes)